What a happy fruit bowl! The fennel actually lives the fridge, but wanted to have it's picture taken. Oh, and the pineapple is from the grocery store, not the farmer's market.
Today, Froody and I went to the farmer's market. The author of Primal Blueprint is big on organic, locally grown foods. (As are a lot of other authors and environmentalists, etc. We think it's a pretty good way to go. Of course, it helps that we live in California where we grow everything.) We're definitely fortunate to live in a place that has a few farmer's markets a week with lots of variety. Ours also has folks who sell locally caught wild fish and locally raised chicken, eggs, and beef. We brought our full (reusable canvas) bags home and managed to find a place for all that produce. Our large wooden bowl looks awesome, full of luscious, colorful fruits and vegetables. Don't you feel healthier just looking at it?
The next step is....what to do with all that stuff! We bought some veggies we don't normally eat, like the fennel bulb, bok choy, and some rainbow chards. So for lunch I did our fallback cooking method: throw everything in a pan and cook it up. I heated up about 2 tsp of olive oil, 1 tbsp of butter, and some pine nuts. Chopped up a fennel bulb and a couple of baby bok choys and some swiss chard for color (another "new" veggie, from last week's purchase). Tossed them all in. Once they softened up I added in some chopped garlic and a couple of tsp's of seasame oil. Then, I chopped and threw in the leftover pork tenderloin from last night's dinner. And, some salt and pepper. Froody and I really liked it.
Man, is there anything olive oil, butter, and garlic can't do??
Ok, so if I'm going to follow the Primal Blueprint, I have to do this right, right? That meant getting on the scale and calculating my lean body mass. I'll tell you right now, it's not pretty. But, if you want to at least have a guideline as to how much you should be eating, you need to know. Mark does say to leave it to your own appetite to tell you what's what, but I know from personal experience that that will only make me fatter. :( It's hard for me to eat only when I'm hungry. I just like food too much. :)
Anyway, according to the Primal Blueprint, since I want to lose weight, my goal is to eat less than 100g of carbs a day (from fruit and veggies, no grains, bread, pastas, etc.) and about 100g of proteins. I'll admit that I don't eat nearly that much protein in a day, so while I'll be eating less produce, I'll be eating more meats and healthy fats. I'm going to try it for January and let you know how it goes.
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