Thursday, November 6, 2008

President Obama!

Thanks to everyone who got out and voted! It's so amazing that we now have a new president and that power will peacefully pass from the old to the new. :-) Today is a day of celebration in Kenya. My father-in-law (Brit now American citizen) said that the world always watched the American presidential elections, but this particular one has generated a lot more interest due to the war and, of course, the global financial crisis.

As happy as I am for Obama, I don't envy him the task of cleaning up the huge messes we're in.


Connie said...

Amen to that. Either candidate, as winner, would have had a deep hole to climb out of. I think either would have done well domestically. Obama is who the world wanted though.

MsTypo said...

I don't envy Obama the work he has ahead of him. He's only been president elect for a few days the critiques of his administration have already begun.