Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hey! Cool Things in Cairo

At last more pictures have been uploaded so I can share a few more cool things we've been doing with our time.

* We are always on the lookout for tasty food. Froody got to try stuffed pigeon- a local speciality. I enjoyed my mixed grill. That's Froody's bowl of meat casserole in the foreground.

* We don't mind the non-alcoholic atmosphere here in Egypt. Froody finally ordered a "cocktail" which is really a fruit smoothie. I'm having a big glass of hibiscus tea.

* Spent part of a morning in Islamic Cairo and got to see a mosque from the inside for the first time. I had to cover my hair which was no big whoop. I do always try to keep my arms and legs covered. Each mosque has water available for washing before entering. This is inside Al-Hakim mosque. It's in the process of being restored inside and out.

* This is the Sabil Sulayman Aga al-Silahdar mosque. Beneath it was an old reservoir with a cool echo. I liked the stripes! In a Christian church this would be called a pulpit. I forgot what it's called in arabic, but serves the same purpose.

* Part of an old madrassa or school. This part of Cairo is full of wonderful architecture!

* There were many art students trying to capture the beauty of this place. I hope you can see how stylish the young women are. I particularly like how this young woman smiled for Froody's pic, unbeknownst to us!

* We went back to the Egyptian Museum to see the second floor.

* The courtyard has some neat granite statuary. At first you catch yourself thinking about how the weather and stuff might affect them. Then you remember that they've been around for frikkin' evah.

* Sadly, we can only bring you pix from outside the museum. Cameras aren't allowed inside.

* Take it home!

* One of many local butchers.

* Not too many women in the coed car of the metro.


MsTypo said...

I haven't visited the museum yet because i'm lazy. Do they really confiscate cameras?! *eek* I'm going to have to be careful when i smuggle mine in!

Hi! I'm Janola. said...

Wwwweeeelllll, according to the museum website you can purchase a permit that let's you take pictures inside. The only problem is that the museum staff seem to have no idea of such a thing. The smuggling part is easy. My hubby just put his camera in my bag. No one seemed to notice at the x-ray station. However, we weren't brave enough to take it out and sneak some pix, so we just satisfied ourselves with outside pix.

I hope you do make it to the museum. It's way cool and very difficult to see everything in one day. Definitely get a good guidebook or hire a guide when there.

Thanks for popping in! Nice knowing someone is reading this. :-)

junglemama said...

How cool. I would love to visit Egypt someday. The stuffed pigeon sounds interesting.

Connie said...

I don't remember having to get a permit to take photos. I haven't been since '97. I really want to go and take my family but we just keep doing other things. I did take photos though.. must have tipped the right person.

I'll have to wander through your blog and look for more pics :-) but right now I must cook dinner... thinking of that mixed grill makes me hungry!

Hi! I'm Janola. said...

connie and christine- thanks for stopping by!

christine- we were both intrigued about the pigeon. hubby said it was OK, but probably won't order it again.

connie-it's a big world, so much to see. i think any traveling you do with your family is great. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love Islamic Cairo! It's a great walk and you really feel like you are in another world. I totally agree about the fashionable women. They have a great eye for coordinating their higaab with their clothes in creative ways.