Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Processed Foods I Am Willing to Eat

I eat unprocessed foods. That means meat, fruit, and vegetables that I buy WHOLE from the farmer's market/rancher/store. I also try to make sure it is grown/raised locally if possible. A lot of folks can't wrap their minds around this, because eating this way means no fast food. No frozen foods. No boxed food. No canned food. A "quick and easy" meal still means choppin' up stuff and cookin' it (unless it's salad).

Well, that said I will admit to you all that there are some processed foods I am willing to eat. I understand that my definition of a "processed food" may differ from yours.

So, here it is--

Processed Foods I Will Eat
1) Kelp noodles- sometimes I just gotta have noodles
2) Ketchup- I only buy ketchup once or twice a year. I get organic ketchup w/o the high fructose corn syrup
3) Tomato sauce- at least it's organic
4) Coconut aminos- ditto
5) CHOCOLATE- man, I should've topped the list with this one! I buy the 72% or more cocoa
6) Hearts of palm- well, it does come in a can
7) Applegate Organic Hot Dogs- because sometimes a girl just wants a big weiner XD
8) Mustard- again, organic and w/o a lot of strange words I can't even pronounce
9) WINE-again, should've topped the list :) And, it's fermented but since I don't do gluten (ie: no beer) I have become more of a wine drinker.
10) OMG- Diet Coke! I give you up for weeks or months, only to fall off the wagon. 

What about sauerkraut? What about balsamic vinegar? What about olives? Yeah, I buy them but they are fermented or brined so I'm not sure if they belong on this list or not.

Why share this list? Because I've run into some folks who hear that I avoid wheat and gluten and so try to be helpful by suggesting gluten-free this and gluten-free that. I smile and say I'll look into it, but usually these have a lot of added fats, chemicals, or sugar I can do without. It's important that I eat as much unprocessed foods as possible AND as little processed foods as possible.

But, I will have a gluten-free beer once in a while. :)

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