Tuesday, March 8, 2011

No Coffee o_O

Honestly, part of me still doesn't know why I chose, actually chose, to stop drinking coffee. After all I had given up- bread, pasta, cake, pastries (i.e.: nothing to dip in my coffee), ice cream, dairy (no cream in my coffee)- why was I letting go of my only comfort, my friend coffee? First of all, it's for 30 days. But, let me try to explain this to myself. again.

As we all know, coffee has caffeine. Even decaf coffee still has an appreciable amount of caffeine, and this caffeine affects our brains. Most of us, myself included, LOVE THIS AFFECT. THAT'S WHY I DRINK COFFEE. *ahem* Anyway, caffeine blocks hormones that make us feel sleepy, so we don't get quality sleep. And, caffeine other hormones in the brain that make us feel good and alert. This "alertness" is for danger, so your body is in "fight or flight mode" every day which is not healthy. Also, if you are prone to panic attacks, caffeine makes them worse. I am not prone to panic attacks, but who knows what-all types of mental woes I've inherited (and I've inherited quite a few).

And *sigh* I almost hate to admit this, but my weight-loss has been non-existent. I been trying for a year now, seriously since July, to lose the extra weight I've gained being back in America. Healthy eating and exercise don't seem to be working so maybe, just maybe, too much coffee is hindering my weight-loss. Since it does increase cortisol levels there may be something to it.

So far? Well, today is Day 3. On Day 1 I felt lousy. Huge headaches, tummy ache, couldn't focus on any one task, couldn't sit still, couldn't do anything! Napped for about an hour. Day 2 I subbed and that was not good. I was a bit scatterbrained and still had difficulty focusing. Today, my headaches are better but I've been tired all day. I did take a nap, but it was short. I still have a hard time focusing on tasks.

But, I'm hopeful and am looking forward to meeting myself at the end of the month.

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