Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Back in teh US of A!!

Now that we've been home for 5 weeks, I can finally say that it feels so good to be home.

It didn't start that way.

Don't get me wrong- nothing bad happened or anything. It just didn't feel like home at first. It just felt like we were in another country where we happened to speak the language. And understand what was going. And knew some people.

Some of my initial reactions to America were mainly in amazement at how RICH everyone is! Yes, even you are one of the many rich people in this country.

There's also a lot of white people here. I guess everyone else in the world is right- Americans are white.

American's are also spoiled, spoiled, spoiled! Yes, even you! Even me. There is so much strife we never experience. I know, we've got plenty of problems and hardships, but, we live in a country where people spend $5 a day on large choco-caramel coffee drinks with extra-whip.

We also live in a country where people pay. to. pick. fruit. People, we PAY real MONEY to do this. I mean, what? srsly. No one outside of the Western World would even think to have a business like that.

But, now that I've been back and Froody and I got jobs and we got a new apartment and moved our stuff from Southern California to the Bay Area and visited my family and visited his family and unpacked and Froody started his job, NOW I feel like I'm home.

Although it still feels weird.

1 comment:

marcy said...

Paying to pick fruit. That is so funny.