On this trip, I've learned that good coffee is hard to come by. I know that I've blogged about it before, but I'm still searching. It's even harder in the Philippines than India. In Hong Kong, there were Starbucks and Pacific Roasters and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf everywhere, but it seems that hot places don't really do coffee.
But, they do instant coffee. And the brand of choice is NesCafe. Seriously.
As a result, I've become inured to drinking NesCafe. Usually, it's nothing that milk and sugar cannot make palatable. But in the Philippines, as I've discovered in other countries, milk is very hard to come by. So, what do you get? You get instant creamer, namely CoffeeMate.
OK-I had to admit to being enough of a junkie to really not mind sinking this low. (Oh, how my pre-trip self would shudder at the thought: instant coffee! powdered creamer!)I think having it all happen in small increments has made my decent possible. But just when I thought this was pretty bad, it got worse.
Now when I ask for "coffee", I don't just get a mug of hot water and instant coffee anymore. I get NesCafe 3-in-1. That's one packet complete with instant coffee, sugar, and CoffeeMate creamer. :-( I didn't even whimper at this. In fact, I'm impressed with whomever had the guts to put it all together.
OK-so I've been drinking my 3-in-1 for a couple of weeks now, when Froody and I went to the store last night for water. What did I find in the coffee aisle? Not only did we see 5-in-1 coffee, but I even saw 8-in-1 coffee!!! As if instant coffee wasn't enough with sugar and powdered creamer, but now you can get it with powdered mushroom and ginseng and other herbal kickers!!!
Of course, I bought an 8-in-1 and had it this morning in my hotel room. Sad to say that it made me miss my 3-in-1.
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