Thursday, October 16, 2008

Global Economic Crisis

Ok, so according to BBC World News, CNN (internation edition), and NPR there is a global economic crisis going on. So, I'm assuming that a lot of you have or are asking yourselves "How does this affect me?" and "What can/should I do?" Well, Froody and I have been asking ourselves these questions, too. Basically, we're going to "wait and see," which seems to be very popular with everyone in the news. We are fully prepared to alter our trip, perhaps hanging out in northern Africa instead of visiting Turkey and SE Asia, or coming home a lot earlier so as to have more cushion while looking for work. We both feel pretty good that I'll be able to find a job quickly, but wonder how long it might take Froody to get hired anywhere and I really don't want to support the two of us on a teacher's salary.

On the other hand, I'm not too sure how this plays into the life of the average Egyptian. If I knew more arabic I'd totally ask someone how they felt about this global crisis and the possible upcoming global recession. As it is, I'm not all that sure that folks around here keep up on international news. (The juice-man keeps telling/asking us about Hillary Clinton becoming the next president.)I think this is just part of "being Egyptian", the whole "insha' allah" attitude that everyone here has.

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