Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I've Become THAT Person

I've spent almost my whole life as the type of person who can, and did, eat almost anything. I felt fortunate in that I didn't have any food allergies or religious restrictions or new-age ideals against any types of foods. Sure, there were those years of "dieting" to lose weight with the occasional indulgence. And, yeah, I did discover a slight intolerance to lactose, leading me to greatly reduce (but not totally eliminate) my cheese and ice cream intake.

When I began the Paleo/Primal lifestyle I was delighted! Food was full of flavor and I still got to eat many of my favorite foods. It was a relief to eat bacon and eggs without the guilt. Steak became a healthfood (as long as it was grass-fed, of course). Trips to the farmers' market were an adventure as Froody and I harvested familiar and new fruits and vegetables. I was eating things like chard, kale, and kohl rabi along with organic heirloom tomatoes. Ah, life and eating were good!

The only downside was the fact that I wasn't losing any weight. Granted, I hadn't gained any, either, but I really, really, really wanted/needed to lose at least 25lbs. So I became more strict. In doing so, I changed. No longer the person who ate anything I was the one at the restaurant who asked all those annoying questions: "Is it unsweetened?", "Can I get that without the bread?", "There's no rice or pasta in it, right?", "No cheese, please, and can I just have oil and vinegar on the side?" "Can I have the side salad instead of the french fries?"

Seriously, it's that strange for me. We even had dinner with some friends, one of whom only eats raw fruits and vegetables. While she was making the salad she asked me if I wanted corn in it. I said I could pick it out, but she basically said it was the first time she had to deal with someone else's diet. For a change. That really got to me!

Honestly giving up the breads, cereals, rice, pasta, corn, tortillas, etc. wasn't all that hard. Cutting my alcohol back to a drink once or twice a month isn't that terrible, neither was giving up sugar and chocolate. The most difficult thing was cutting out all dairy (you've already messed with my coffee MoFo!! curse you for taking my creamer!!).

I feel like I'm the weird one making sure what I eat is gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free; that it's wholesome and organic; that it's locally grown (a plus). If I eat gluten or dairy, I feel bloated and nauseous. Even if it's a little bit. :( Now, I have to think about each bite of food and ask myself 1) Will this make me sick? and 2) If so, is it worth it? Because I will. get. physically. ill.

The longer I follow this lifestyle the more I come across folk who also have wheat and dairy sensitivities. (OK, lets' call them what they are: allergies). I've even heard of some restaurants having allergy-free menus. Gee, if so many are sensitive to gluten, maybe it's time to put down that bagel and have some more bacon.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The 12 Days of Christmas- CrossFit Style

Merry Fitness to All, and to All a Good Workout!

Today, our gym co-hosted a Holiday Workout and Pig Roast. At first, I thought it was so awesome that our gym has created this amazing and fun community, one where we'd love to participate in a sort of "workout/party".

When we arrived, we discovered that this Holiday Workout had a theme: The 12 Days of Christmas. This is what was posted on the board when you walked in:

1. Weighted 100m run- run as fast as you can carrying a weight (I used a 10lb medicine ball. One of my trainers carried a 50lb keg)
2. Pistols- one-legged squats
3. Knees-to-elbows - hang from the pull-up bar and bring your knees to your elbows or as high as you can
4. Box jumps
5. Burpees- ugh... basically, fall on the ground, do a push-up (I do planks), bring your feet under you into a squat, then jump up and clap your hands above your head
6. Pull-ups
7. Sit-ups
8. Ring dips- I did regular dips on a tall box
9. Kettle bell swings (I used a 12lb kb)
10. Tire flips- flip a tractor tire. Choice between large and super large (I did the large one)
11. Hollow rocks- lie on the floor and curl up, keeping your abs tight, then rock back and forth. Is harder than it sounds
12. Hand-stand push-ups- yup, get upside down and do a push-up. (I did it kneeling on a box)

So, you had to do the workout like the song: 1 100m weighted run; 2 pistols and a 100m weighted run; 3 knees-to-elbows, 2 pistols, and a 100m weighted run....

I think you get the point. And you should've seen everyone's face as soon as this workout sunk in. I was none too happy about it, but I was determined to do it.

Man, there was a lot of cursing involved. At least on my part! (Hey, isn't Jesus the reason for the season anyway??). The trouble is that at first it's not so bad, but that 100m weighted run gets harder and harder. The worst part, for me, was the 10 tire flips. Jesus Christ... Goddamn f***in' tractor tire... Yeah, you're flipping a tractor tire 30 times!!!! Some of the middle ones also were deceptive. You're like, "*pshaw* 7 sit-ups... that's cake!" But you're doing 6 sets of 7 after all the kettlebell swings/pull-ups/and tire flips which are all things that require solid cores. It was also hard on my hands because you're doing 7 sets of 6 pull-ups and 10 sets of 3 k2e. For the first time in my life, the burpees were not the suckiest part of the workout, and that's saying something!

In the end, a lot of people showed up for this workout and we had to do it in two heats. I joined the first heat. It took me 50 minutes to do this 12 Days of Christmas Workout, which is very long for a Crossfit workout. But, after a little cry I felt better and am very, very glad I did it. :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Farewell to Cream

Dear Cream-

We've been together for a while now. Without you, I don't know if I could have dumped sugar out of my life. But my friends are telling me that you're no good for me and that I should give you up. :(

This is hard for me, too, Cream. It's not you- you're great- it's me. Somehow you're keeping me from reaching my goals. I decided that losing my excess weight is more important to me than how you make my coffee taste in the morning.

I see this as a temporary split. Maybe, in a month's time, we can try again. I hope that in the meantime we can still be friends.

Good-bye and God bless,